
essay:1-06 Free Movie Review

I must write about a movie I choose, so I write about my favorite movie which is
‘Harry Potter’. I like the most the movie that is Harry Potter’s fifth story which is
called ‘Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix’. I have watched this movie 100
times in high school. It is very interesting movie, because it has a lot of battle
scene. The other Harry Potter movies have a battle scene, but there are
especially a lot of battle scenes in this movie.

The Harry Potter series has a lot of character. In that, my favorite character is
Sirius Black. This character appears on Harry Potter’s third movie first. When
Sirius Black appears at first, he was a very bad guy. It was said that he wants to
murder to Harry Potter. But he named to Harry Potter. Because Harry Potter
became to love him like a his father.

Harry Potter entered The Order of the Phoenix. This group was made by Sirius
Black. Because of murdering to Voldemort. This story's main theme is battling
Voldemort using The Order of the Phoenix. When Harry Potter went to this
group's place, everyone disagree that Harry Potter enter this group. But Sirius
Black agreed to it. And, Magic school students entered this group. This group
prepares to battle with Voldemort.

And, Voldemort and The Order of the Phoenix compete to find an important
object underground. At first, Voldemort and the Magic student battled, but Harry
Potter's friends arrest by the army. When Harry Potter finds the important
object, Sirius Black and The Order of the Phoenix was coming to help. I like this
scene the best. Sirius Black says 'Don't touch my son.' It is very cool. And, the
Order of the Phoenix knocks out the army. But a woman kills Sirius Black. A
woman name is Lastrange. Harry Potter is very very angry. Harry Potter will
murder her, but Harry Potter was stopped by Voldemort. And Dumbledore is
coming to help Harry Potter. I like this scene too. And he battled Voldemort.
Finally Voldemort escaped. And, this story is ending.

I heard this story first, I was very sad that Sirius Black died. But, this movie is
very interesting. So, I have watched a lot of times.                  351/14629

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